Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Freshman English II

I have decided to try having my Freshman English II Online students use a blog instead of a journal, so I will occasionally be posting things related to that class and their assignments.  The first of those assignments is to post a picture or collage and write about yourself, so that is what I have done here.

Welcome to Freshman English II Online! My name is Mrs. Hall and here are some pictures that I think represent me.

In a few of these pictures, you will see me with my husband Daniel. We have been married for six years and we don't have any kids, but we do have a dog named Penelope who is one of the strangest dogs I've ever known.  I always say that she acts more like a cat than a dog.

The other people pictured above are my mom, dad, sisters, and niece. My family is very important to me.

Another thing you may notice from my pictures is that I'm kind of silly. The picture in the pink wig is from the premiere of The Hunger Games. I went dressed up as a citizen from the capitol. There are also a few pictures related to Harry Potter. In one I am wearing my Harry Potter robes (Ravenclaw), in one I am standing in front of Hogwarts, and in yet another I am at the midnight premiere of the final movie with my sisters. I also like Wonder Woman and collect Wonder Woman memorabilia. I actually have the invisible jet parked in my back yard, you just can't see it.

If you are interested in making a collage like this one, I went to www.kizoa.com, created an account, uploaded pictures, and then used their collage maker. Just be careful that you don't use one of the premium collage makers, because then the image isn't free! If you are good with Paint, you could use that as well.  You can also post a single picture if collages aren't your thing.

I look forward to reading about all of you this week!


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