Saturday, July 13, 2013

To Infinity . . . and Beyond!

Howdy y'all!

Our first movie night showing was Toy Story!

Just as a reminder, my niece has a hat full of movie titles, and when I know I will be visiting on the weekend, I will call her and tell her to draw a movie.  That weekend, we will have a family night where we have a themed meal, participate in an activity and/or make a craft, and watch the movie.  

Since I had the Bean draw the movie on Monday (I needed to make sure I had time to prepare everything), I decided that I needed to send her a card of some sort to get her super excited for the weekend festivities.  So, I googled a few things online and came up with this:

I sent it to her in the mail from "Buzz Lightyear; Space Ranger; Gamma Quadrant; Sector 12" and put a Top Secret stamp on the folded up piece of paper.  I went with Buzz instead of Woody because when the Bean called me to tell me which movie she drew, she said she drew Buzz Lightyear.  Therefore, I decided that she was probably more of a Buzz fan than a Woody fan.

For dinner we, obviously, decided to go with a Pizza Planet theme.  One of my main goals with this whole bit of craziness is not to spend too much more on these movie nights than I (or my parents) would on any old dinner.  So, pizza lends itself to that very nicely.  Some of my family members aren't really into homemade pizza, so for them we just ordered a pizza, and then I printed out a Pizza Planet logo and put it on the box.  However, my dad has a gluten intolerance, so his pizza had to be homemade.  For his, we used a pre-packaged gluten free pizza crust mix, and then just put on the toppings that he wanted.

I made a simple side salad for the adults.  Nothing special here, I just figure that Pizza Planet would probably have a little bit healthier fare for the grown-ups.

For our beverage, we had green Hawiian Punch and my little sister made an "alien slime" label to put on the bottle. I found the printables for the alien toys at Disney's so there would be no question of the alien slime's authenticity.

For dessert, we had green alien cupcakes.  I had a hard time deciding what type of dessert they might have at Pizza Planet, so I went with these since the little green aliens are first seen at Pizza Planet.  I used the design from Disney's, but instead of making a white cake, I used a fabulous gluten free carrot cake recipe that my family absolutely adores.  We also had difficulty finding any of their suggestions for the alien ears, so we ended up cutting up pieces of spearmint gum. 

We watched Toy Story while we ate dinner, and once the movie was over, we moved on to our activities for the evening. 

We had two activities for this movie night.  The first was pin the body parts onto Mr. Potato Head.  I drew up a blank Mr. Potato Head and then made his body parts.  

Then, each person picked the parts he or she wanted for Mr. Potato Head, was blindfolded, spun around, and handed the body parts one at a time to pin on Mr. Potato Head.  There was occasionally some extra spinning between body parts if we felt the participant was doing too well or wasn't dizzy enough.  I've also seen suggestions of providing a few real Mr. Potato Heads and letting everyone go nuts with the decorations, then having a Mr. Potato Head fashion show, but that was a little too pricey for our budget.

The second activity was a watergun shooting range!  We lined up empty cans on our cars and worked together to shoot them down. Because we waited to do this until after we watched the first movie, it was a little dark, but we still had a lot of fun. 

We ended the night by putting in Toy Story 2 and doing our craft project during the movie!  For our craft, I used another idea I found at Disney's  We attempted to make rocket snowglobes! As it turns out, distilled water and glycerin are two very important components for snowglobe making. I ended up leaving mine as a jar full of glitter, oil, and water. Even though the snowglobe rockets didn't turn out quite like we anticipated, the Bean said it was her favorite part of the night. 

I also downloaded all of the songs from the three Toy Story movies, but we really only ended up listening to them while we were baking cupcakes and putting together Dad's pizza. However, if you want to download a few, I would recommend "You've Got a Friend in Me," "Strange Things," "I Will Go Sailing No More," "Woody's Roundup" (Riders in the Sky), "When She Loved Me" (Sarah McLachlan), and "We Belong Together" (all by Randy Newman unless otherwise noted).

(Rough) Shopping List
  • pizza (homemade, frozen, delivery, the possibilities are endless)
  • side salad (lettuce, tomato, cheese, and homemade dressing for us)
  • green Kool-Aid or Hawaiian Punch
  • cupcakes (I will probably post our gluten free carrot cake recipe someday, but today is not that day)
  • blue cupcake liners (because the little aliens' outfits are blue)
  • green frosting
  • white chocolate chips
  • Sour Punch Straws, green
  • sour belts, green fruit roll-ups, or green fondant (we used spearmint gum)
  • melted chocolate (the darker the better since you're going for black and black icing is gross)
  • waterguns
  • poster boards (to make a Mr. Potato Head and his body parts)
  • mason jars (the site says baby food jars, but I decided it would be much easier to make them stand if the paper was wrapped around the bottom half of a mason jar rather than holding up a baby food jar)
  • cardstock in assorted colors
  • scissors
  • glue
  • distilled water
  • glycerin (can be purchased from a pharmacy)
  • confetti and glitter
  • markers, stickers, and/or stamps
Well, I think that's everything for our Toy Story movie night!


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