Monday, July 8, 2013

Disney Baby

In just a few short months, my family and I will be going to Disney World!

To say that I am excited would be an understatement.  I haven't been to Disney since I was in the first grade, and I'm sad to say that I don't remember all that much.  The most exciting part is that my niece, the Bean, will be going for the first time!  She is six and going into the first grade in the fall, so she will be the same age I was.  However, unlike me at the tender age of six(ish), Bean <3 LOVES <3 roller coasters.  When we went to Magic Springs, we had to take turns riding the coaster with her because our heads were pounding and she just wanted to ride again and again and again.  My husband and my youngest sister, Small Fry, will also be first timers!

So, even though we're not going until after Christmas (I know, I know, that's absolutely the busiest time ever to go to Disney World), I felt I needed to do something to get these first timers (and my other little sister who would have been four or five the first time we went) excited!

At this point, I should probably let you in on a little secret, if I weren't a teacher, I would probably be a co-owner of a party planning business.  I say co-owner because I'm not good with getting things turned in on time (contracts and whatnot), so I would need someone else to focus on decorations and details.  When I plan a party, my main focus is on the food.  My secondary focus is on activities that people will enjoy.  Decorations come in third, and sometimes I don't get around to them.  I try and make the activities things that will add some "decor."

So, upon combining my desire to get everyone as excited about this trip as I am and my love for overdoing things, I have come up with a plan!  I am in the process of planning a movie night for thirty-two Disney movies that I feel are important to watch before going to Disney World!

Snow White
Alice in Wonderland
Peter Pan
Lady and the Tramp
Sleeping Beauty
Swiss Family Robinson
101 Dalmatians
Sword in the Stone
Winnie the Pooh
Little Mermaid
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
Beauty and the Beast
Lion King
Toy Story
A Bug’s Life
Monsters, Inc.
Lilo and Stitch
Finding Nemo
Pirates of the Caribbean
Princess and the Frog

Some of these choices are due to rides or other attractions, and I've thought about adding Indiana Jones and Tom and Huck for those reasons, but there's no way we'll get all of these done in the limited amount of time between now and Christmas.  Others are there simply because they contain princesses, and we all know that it's important to be familiar with the Disney princesses!  (Especially if I can talk my parents into splurging on a character breakfast!)

So, every time I know I will be visiting my family, I will call my sister/my niece, and they will draw one of these names out of a hat.  Then, we will have a movie night for the chosen movie that weekend.

The Bean drew her first movie today, so our first movie will be . . . (drum roll please) . . . Toy Story!  Not to give too much away, but we will be going with a Pizza Planet theme, there will be a pin the body part on Mr. Potato Head game, a water gun competition, and a craft that is as yet to be determined.  And fun will be had by all!

I hope to keep you guys updated on all of the movie nights both to make myself blog more regularly, and to share all of this hard work with the world!


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